4 daily, 19 non-daily newspapers, over 849,000 potential readers, 25 words for just $149. And that’s only one choice!

How to place a NVCAN ad …
- Call the Nevada Press Association or the nearest participating NVCAN newspaper for information. The Nevada Press Association telephone number is: (775) 885-0866, or
- Use the form below to email it to us, or
- Fax the ad (775-885-8233), or
- Email us at admin@nevadapress.com
What are the methods of payment?
Credit card, cashier’s check or money order for private parties placing ads.
How are the words counted?
Telephone number, including area code, is one word. Addresses, including house number, street, P.O. Box, count as two words. City name, state and zip code are separate words. Each word counts as a word regardless of symbols, hyphens or abbreviations. Web addresses count as three words.
Are there any restrictions on what type of ads can be published?
Yes. Ads that do not comply with state and federal regulations are not accepted. We also do not accept ads that claim to repair credit, ads that contain a 1-900 telephone number, or adoption ads. NvCAN and individual newspapers in the network reserve the right to reject an ad for any reason. Also, individual newspapers reserve the right to properly classify or edit ads.
What is the deadline?
Every Wednesday at noon for payment and ad copy, for publication the following week, beginning Sunday.
What heading or classification will the newspaper run my ad under?
Most of the newspapers will mix statewide ads with their local ads under appropriate headings or headings they feel are the most suitable.
Can you print my ad in bold face?
We do not provide for special effects like bold face or capital letter, etc. Your ad will look like any other classified “line” ad in participating newspapers.
Will I get a discount if I run my ad more times?
Yes. A 15 percent discount is given for ads that run for 10 consecutive weeks or more.
How many responses will I get if I run this ad?
We cannot guarantee responses. If you have a well-written and tested ad and you are selling a good product or service, you should be pleased with the responses you receive.
Can I run my ad in selected newspapers or selected regions?
Yes! NVCANs has FIVE great regions to chose from — North, South, Community and Metro. Or you may chose to place your ad in all 23 network newspapers.
Is it cost-effective to run my ad through NvCAN?
Yes. It would cost you much more to run your ad by contacting the newspapers individually, and that does not even take into consideration the cost of postage, checks or time.
What about tearsheets or proof of publication?
No proof of publication or tearsheets are provided. NvCAN periodically monitors the newspapers in the network to ensure that ads are being published.
NVCAN Standards of Acceptance
The variety of subjects in a newspaper’s classified ad section is attractive to readers. These standards are designed to improve your ad’s credibility and appeal. The Nevada Press Association or any NvCAN member newspaper will gladly work with you to develop a proper and effective ad.
The Nevada Press Association reserves the right to reject any ad for any reason; individual newspapers reserve the right to properly classify, edit or reject any advertising in compliance with local regulations and policies. The newspapers also reserve the right to typeset and produce the ads into their individual formats.
NvCAN may reject advertising if it appears to be false, misleading, fraudulent, libelous, defamatory, illegal or in poor taste, in objectionable format or for
any other cause.
Advertising will be rejected if it is known or determined to discriminate based on age, race, color, national origin, religion, sec or martial status, and where other legal restrictions prevail.
Advertisers must be able to provide the name, street, city, state, zip code and phone number of the individual or organization submitting the ad. We need to know where the ad originates in case of consumer complaints.
Advertisers may be subject to credit or Better Business Bureau reference checks. NvCAN does not guarantee responses to any advertising.
The following types of ads ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE:
- Repair Credit Ads: Ads claiming to repair credit or bankruptcy ads or similar programs.
- 1-900 Telephone Numbers: Ads containing a 1-900 telephone number or a 1-800 telephone number that activates information retrieved by subsequently calling a 1-900 number.
- Some Business Opportunities: Any business opportunity advertisement which, in the judgment of the association, is not a legitimate business opportunity or job offer.
- Others: Advertisements for a product or service that the network deems undesirable or offensive to readers of its member newspapers. Advertisements that make undocumented claims for the benefits of a product or service. Advertisements for an unlawful product or service.
- Certain types of work-at-home ads.
The following types of ads are subject to certain RESTRICTIONS AND GUIDELINES:
- Directories: Ads selling directories must state “directory” in the copy.
Employment: Advertising must be for a bona fide job offering and must state the nature of the work offered. Earnings claims must be based on fact.
Sales/Help Wanted: Advertising must not offer or appear to offer work on a salary basis when compensation is on a commission or bonus basis. Ads must state the type or name of product to be sold.
Real Estate for Sale: Real estate advertising must comply with “Truth in Lending” guidelines and HUD’s Fair Housing regulations.
Business Opportunities: Business opportunity and investment advertising must indicate the type of business to be invested in and the amount to be invested.
Dietary Products: Ads for weight control, appetite suppressants or food supplements must meet FDA requirements.
Adoption Ads: As of Oct. 1, 2009, state law requires any child-placement agency advertising in a Nevada newspaper to be licensed by the Nevada Division of Child and Family Services and to publish the license number in the ad.
Adoption ads must abide by the regulations of NRS127.310.
4. A child-placing agency shall include in any advertisement concerning its services published in any periodical or newspaper or by radio or other public medium a statement which:
(a) Confirms that the child-placing agency holds a valid, unrevoked license issued by the Division; and
(b) Indicates any license number issued to the child-placing agency by the Division.
PARTICIPATING PAPERS (and approximate circulations)
Elko Daily Free Press (7,000) N, C
Las Vegas Review-Journal (203,736) S, M
Nevada Appeal (7,848) N, C
Las Vegas Sun (in Review-Journal) S, M
Reno Gazette-Journal (53,959) N, M
Battle Mountain Bugle (2,000) N, C
Boulder City Review (2,000) S, C
Comstock Chronicle & Virginia City News (1,000) N, C
Ely Times (2,500) N, C
Eureka Sentinel (400) N, C
High Desert Advocate (5,500) N, C
The Humboldt Sun (4,900) N, C
Lahontan Valley News (2,100) N, C
Lincoln County Record (1,800) S, C
Lovelock Review-Miner (2,000) N, C
Mesquite Local News (6,000) S, C
Mineral County Independent-News (2,000) N, C
Pahrump Valley Times (6,700) S, C
Record-Courier (4,392) N, C
Sparks Tribune (10,000) N, C
Tahoe Tribune (7,747) N, C
Wells Progress (2,700) N, C
Wendover Times (3,600) N, C
For a low price, you can target Northern Nevada, Southern Nevada, the Metro areas or the state’s Communities, or cover the whole state.
Metro (Reno & Las Vegas) $ 99
Community (hits all counties) $ 89
Northern $ 89
Southern $ 99
Power Punch (all papers) $149
add $5 each additional word over 25 for all