Front Page Nevada, our e-book compilation of newspaper stories of historical Nevada events, is available free for a limited time to students.
This is the PDF version, which means it will not have the interactive elements of the iBook version. When you order the PDF version, you will be given a link to download it. It’s a rather large file (more than 300mb), so it make take a few moments to download.

Here are 53 significant events in the history of the Nevada as told by the reporters and editors who were there. These are the first-day stories, the roughest draft of history, the sometimes breathless accounts of news as it happened.
They were compiled for Nevada’s sesquicentennial — the 150th anniversary of its admission into the Union as a state in 1864 — by the Nevada Press Association from the pages of its newspapers over the previous century and a half.
From Gridley’s Sack of Flour to the Extraterrestrial Highway, these are stories unique to the Silver State — now in a new format.
Download the pdf version here.