Would you like to volunteer to serve on the Nevada Press Association’s board of directors?
For the most part, board members represent regular members of the association — the newspapers qualified under Nevada statute to publish public notices. There is also one spot on the board to represent associate members, which are all the other publications, including online-only news sites, free papers and magazines.
We’re looking for people knowledgeable in all aspects of the industry — news-gathering, management, advertising, circulation — who also have a passion for furthering the influence of Nevada newspapers and advocating for First Amendment issues.
Most meetings are conducted by telephone conference, with at least one in-person meeting a year during the annual NPA convention.
Board members set NPA policy, especially during the Nevada Legislature’s biennial session, on issues such as public records and open meetings, as well as on industry-specific topics that might include independent contractors or taxes on advertising, for example.
If you are interested, send a note to Executive Director Richard Karpel.