The Nevada Political Advertising Network, operated through the Nevada Press Association, offers a convenient means to place campaign advertising in newspapers across the entire state.
Here’s how: Give us a call at the Nevada Press Association, 775.885.0866 or send an email.

Frequently asked questions
What’s the deadline for submitting an ad?
We encourage you to schedule your ad at least seven days in advance of publication. While the daily newspapers can operate on two or three days notice, the weekly newspapers often require seven days.
Can you bill us for political advertising?
All political advertising must be paid in advance. You may schedule an ad, but payment must be received before it will appear in the newspapers.
What format should it be in?
Your ad should be submitted electronically in a PDF format by e-mail to
Ad space is also available on our newspapers’ web sites.
What are the sizes?
We offer full-page display ads, and we can help schedule any size ad in a Nevada newspaper. If you would like to target a specific region of the state, here are the newspapers that serve them.
Because page sizes vary from newspaper to newspaper, your ad will be adjusted to fit each paper’s needs. A common size for a full-page ad is 11.5 inches wide by 21 inches deep. Remember that some newspapers are broadsheets and some are tabloids, so there may be a significant difference in the actual size of the published ad.
Are there legal requirements?
• All political advertising must clearly identify the person, organization or committee paying for the ad. No abbreviations.
• Ads from individuals or special-interest groups not associated with a campaign must carry the statement “not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s agent or committee.”
• Anyone placing an ad that contains names of other persons who endorse a candidate or referendum must sign the “certificate of authority” verifying their authenticity and permission.
Nevada Revised Statutes on campaign advertising
(Please refer to the actual statute to ensure you have the most up-to-date language.)
NRS 294A.347 Statements which expressly advocate election or defeat of clearly identified candidate required to disclose certain information under certain circumstances.
1. A statement which:
(a) Is published within 60 days before a general election or special election or 30 days before a primary election;
(b) Expressly advocates the election or defeat of a clearly identified candidate for a state or local office; and
(c) Is published by a person who receives compensation from the candidate, an opponent of the candidate or a person, political party or committee for political action,
must contain a disclosure of the fact that the person receives compensation pursuant to paragraph (c) and the name of the person, political party or committee for political action providing that compensation.
2. A statement which:
(a) Is published by a candidate within 60 days before a general election or special election or 30 days before a primary election; and
(b) Contains the name of the candidate,
shall be deemed to comply with the provisions of this section.
3. As used in this section, “publish” means the act of:
(a) Printing, posting, broadcasting, mailing or otherwise disseminating; or
(b) Causing to be printed, posted, broadcasted, mailed or otherwise disseminated.
NRS 294A.348 Disclosures and statements required on certain public political advertising and Internet communication.
1. A person, committee for political action, political party or committee sponsored by a political party that expends more than $100 for the purpose of financing a communication through any television or radio broadcast, newspaper, magazine, outdoor advertising facility, mailing or any other type of general public political advertising that:
(a) Advocates expressly the election or defeat of a clearly identified candidate or group of candidates; or
(b) Solicits a contribution through any television or radio broadcast, newspaper, magazine, outdoor advertising facility, mailing or any other type of general public political advertising,
shall disclose on the communication the name of the person, committee for political action, political party or committee sponsored by a political party that paid for the communication.
2. If a communication described in subsection 1 is approved by a candidate, in addition to the requirements of subsection 1, the communication must state that the candidate approved the communication and disclose the street address, telephone number and Internet address, if any, of the person, committee for political action, political party or committee sponsored by a political party that paid for the communication.
3. A person, committee for political action, political party or committee sponsored by a political party that has an Internet website available for viewing by the general public or that sends out an electronic mailing to more than 500 people that:
(a) Advocates expressly the election or defeat of a clearly identified candidate or group of candidates; or
(b) Solicits a contribution through any television or radio broadcast, newspaper, magazine, outdoor advertising facility, mailing or any other type of general public political advertising,
shall disclose on the Internet website or electronic mailing, as applicable, the name of the person, committee for political action, political party or committee sponsored by a political party.
4. The disclosures and statements required pursuant to this section must be clear and conspicuous, and easy to read or hear, as applicable.
NRS 294A.370 Media to make certain information available.
1. A newspaper, radio broadcasting station, outdoor advertising company, television broadcasting station, direct mail advertising company, printer or other person or group of persons which accepts, broadcasts, disseminates, prints or publishes:
(a) Advertising for or against any candidate or a group of such candidates;
(b) Political advertising for any person other than a candidate; or
(c) Advertising for the passage or defeat of a question or group of questions on the ballot,
shall, during the period beginning at least 10 days before each primary election or general election and ending at least 30 days after the election, make available for inspection information setting forth the cost of all such advertisements accepted and broadcast, disseminated or published. The person or entity shall make the information available at any reasonable time and not later than 3 days after it has received a request for such information.
2. For purposes of this section, the necessary cost information is made available if a copy of each bill, receipt or other evidence of payment made out for any such advertising is kept in a record or file, separate from the other business records of the enterprise and arranged alphabetically by name of the candidate or the person or group which requested the advertisement, at the principal place of business of the enterprise.