The Nevada Newspaper Hall of Fame is dedicated to men and women who have made a lasting impact on newspapers and journalism in the state over the course of their careers.
Nominations may be made by using the form below or by emailing us at admin (at) They may be submitted any time until the annual deadline. The deadline in 2022 is July 15.
Each nomination letter should contain no more than two pages of relevant biographical and background information to make the case for the nominee’s inclusion. However, the two-page limit doesn’t include supplemental material like electronic documents (or web links) of biographical material or samples of the nominee’s best, most impactful work, which nominators are encouraged to submit.
Please submit all nomination letters and supporting material in an electronic format.
Members of the Nevada Newspaper Hall of Fame are selected by the Nevada Press Foundation’s Board of Trustees. Induction ceremonies take place during the Foundation’s Annual Convention and Awards Banquet, which will be held this year at the Westgate Resort and Casino in Las Vegas on Saturday, September 24.

Nevada’s Newspaper Hall of Fame was resurrected in 1998 with the induction of 34 people who had previously been given the NPA’s Silver Makeup Rule Award.
The first Hall of Fame was established in 1948 at the University of Nevada in cooperation with the Press Association. The initial inductees were Mark Twain, Dan De Quille and Samuel Davis. They were honored in an exhibit on the Reno campus, but the exhibit closed after a couple of years.
The Silver Makeup Rule Award goes back even further, to its origins in the 1920s with legendary University of Nevada journalism professor Alfred Higginbotham. Similar to the Hall of Fame, it recognized newspaper people for their longtime service to the business and their communities.