C.J. Hadley, Holly Rudy-James and the late Vail Pittman were inducted into the Nevada Newspaper Hall of Fame last weekend in Ely in a luncheon held during the Nevada Press Association’s 95th annual convention.
A brief biography of Ms. Hadley is posted below.
Here’s a video of her moving acceptance speech from the luncheon in Ely:
C.J. Hadley
To appreciate her unique and notable role in the history of Nevada journalism, consider the fact that Caroline Joy Hadley, aka “CJ” Hadley, is the first person to be inducted into the Nevada Newspaper Hall of Fame without ever having worked at a newspaper.

For the past 28 years and 108 issues, Ms. Hadley has been publisher and editor of Range magazine, the only publication in the state that strives to document the trials, tribulations, failures, challenges and successes of those who live, work, love and strive to preserve the spirit and heritage of The West.
She was born in England and emigrated to the U.S. when she was 17. She began her career as a journalist in 1963, in the “Mad Men” environment of New York magazine publishing. Within a few years she was hired as managing editor of Car & Driver, where she remained until 1972.
A three-year stint traveling and writing adventure pieces for national magazines ended with a 1975 assignment for Sports Illustrated serving as commercial tuna fishing deckhand. “I thought I was a tuna fisherman,” she wrote, “until I puked 21 pounds of my own viscera into the Pacific.” After 21 days at sea she was dropped off on the docks of Sausalito, dehydrated and starving. She promptly hitchhiked to the driest state in the union, where she has called home ever since.
She served as editor of Nevada Magazine during the publication’s most formative years editorially and in circulation growth. Under her watch, the magazine transitioned from quarterly to bimonthly frequency and became self-supporting for the first time in more than 30 years. There were bumps along the way, including the time she put her own health and the publishing life of the state-sponsored magazine on the line against powerful legislators who threated its finances and her personally. She rallied community leaders who backed her up and shamed the legislature into retreat.

After leaving Nevada Magazine in 1985, Ms. Hadley freelanced for a number of publications and worked as a consulting editor for the University of Nevada, Reno Silver & Blue alumni magazine to earn the money she needed to launch Range magazine in 1991.
In the eight years Range has participated in the Nevada Press Association’s Better Newspaper and Magazine Contest it has been recognized with more than 120 awards, despite having no fulltime editorial staff.
In one of those competitions a judge remarked: “Never heard of Range magazine before but they take wide swings at big, fascinating, important subjects with thorough investigation, put-me-there drama and unflinching portrayal of the facts, regardless of politics, personal beliefs or religion. This is the kind of reporting that makes us important and relevant in an age when everything else is becoming more like a sound bite.”
Wrote a feature for Tange Magazine in its early days. I am glad that C.J. Is still going strong. I would like to subscribe again and catch up.
Range Magazine. iPhones are a challenge.
Fantastic CJ , just saw after all this time your acceptance speech in Ely ..
Lastime I saw CJ she was trying to get a seat at a ian tyson performance at th 3 G bar in elko .in about 2011 . Or earlier .
Last time I saw cj she was trying to find a seat at an IanTyson perfomance at elko comming in late . What are the chances , none . About 2011 or earlier .
CJ, congratulations on the award. I am contacting you as a friend from John’s cattle drive. This is Richard the Chef.
I hope you will contact me. Through email below.
I hope this E-mail gets to CJ as I am 78 years old, and I struggle with computers as when I was in school at Nashua High Schoo there was no computer science on the curriculum! I love Range Magazine and I have been a subscriber of Range for many years! I have been a Valley County Conservation District Supervisor for over twenty- three years. I have done some writing and I have a book that I have authored with help from a couple of friends. The book is called Ron’s Ramblings, Characters Critters and Us Cantankerous Rednecks! This is a book of true stories about local characters and stories about the local history of people and events that happened in eastern Montana in the early years when homesteading was still happening! The book can be found on Amazon, Book Baby, or Author Reputation Press under the name of Ron Garwood! My grandparents, Marion and Gertrude Garwood worked their way West from Ohio to Eastern Montana to visit grandma’s cousin that lived south of present Fort Peck Dam, who’s property was taken from them when Fort Peck Dam was built! My grandparents filed on a forty- acre homestead near my house which I still farm. This spring while my cows were calving, I wrote an article watching my 22- year- old cow, number 22 having her calf born and I called the article, New Life on a Montana Farm or Ranch. I would like to submit this article to you for print in The Range Magazine and I would be very honored! Thank You Ron Garwood, 72 Garwood Road Nashua Montana 59248 If you are interested you can contact me at 1 406 785 4781 or my cell 1 406 263 7217.
I think of you often. So proud of your many accomplishments.