National Newspaper Week Oct. 4-10

This year marks the 75th anniversary of National Newspaper Week (NNW), October 4-10, 2015. This observance underscores the impact of newspapers to communities large and small.

Your NNW content kit contains editorials, editorial cartoons, promotional ads and more that are available for download at no charge to newspapers across North America. NNW is sponsored and coordinated by Newspaper Association Managers, Inc., a consortium of North American trade associations representing the industry on a state and provincial, regional and national basis.

The theme of this year’s NNW is “Power of the Press.”

NEWSPAPERS: PLEASE PROMOTE National Newspaper Week by downloading these materials and devoting as many column inches as possible to reinforce the importance of newspapers to the communities and cities we serve. PLEASE ALSO EDITORIALIZE LOCALLY about how your newspaper is relevant to your community. This can be about your government watchdog role, coverage of community events, providing timely public notices, etc.

Following NNW, these materials will remain on the website and can be accessed by newspapers for use throughout the year since our message is timeless.

We deeply appreciate your participation and support.

Lisa Hills, NAM President, 2015
Minnesota Newspaper Association

Layne Bruce, NNW Chairman, 2015
Mississippi Press Association


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